718 East Project: 2020-06-30


Diversions are nice but do little to change life. That doesn’t stop us from seeking them or enjoying them.

If nothing more, they do give us a moment to catch our breath, take a pause, and reflect on the important. It’s also important to get some perspective and realize there are things in life that are not our responsibility or under our control, and it’s equally important to determine the appropriate way to process and respond to those things.

Getting frustrated, angry or sad have been my go-to responses to so many things that are not under my jurisdiction.

I am trying to learn to be more philosophical and try to see things from other points of view. That’s really the only way I can think of, besides prayer of course, to getting through so much of life’s frustrations.

Published by ChicoYaYa

Just a granola granny musing about life and other confusions.

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